CPD & Membership Sucess
Hello & happy September! I’m sorry it’s been way too long since I last updated things here, I have no idea where the last 12 months have gone!? I’ve a little news to share with you that I’m extremely proud of, and that’s that I, Debra, am now a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDThttp://www.apdt.co.uk/)! Although I’m a level 5 COAPE https://capbt.org/ qualified Companion Animal Behaviourist and Trainer, I haven’t done any formal CPD since qualifying, so took the leap to go for assessment with the APDT. How can I expect my awesome clients to push themselves and commit and not do it myself!? The APDT assess all members and adhere to strict criteria which ensures members have appropriate skills to teach dog training, so to join I first had to get my student head back on to complete written work, including 6 essay type questions covering a range of topics, as well submit lesson plans, handouts and client questionnaires. I was very relieved to have passed that section and then be invited to the lovely Shropshire countryside where I had to teach a class whilst being audited ! I teach every day, at various levels and yet I was super nervous at this part! I do think an element of nerves are good, but I’d forgotten how it was to push myself out of my comfort zone ! A feeling I don’t like to repeat too often I can tell you! Then, to complete to process, I was invited to an interview where I had the opportunity to discuss the practical and written sections of my application and answer questions on a variety of subjects including my technical knowledge, planning, communication skills, understanding both ends of the lead and proving I understand the codes of practice of the APDT. I thrive on my school being among the best and offering my clients the ultimate service and experience possible. This industry, sadly & annoyingly, isn’t regulated so to be a part of CAPBT, APDT & The Dog Training College https://www.findadogtrainer.co.uk/ means I can offer assurance that not only am I highly experienced, but also that I am qualified & credible and, having made the top 3 for another year in ‘The Three Best Rated Dog Trainers’ say that it’s appreciated and worked hard to maintain!